
Traditional Cree name: nehso pisihmi wapikanew

Latin name: Medicago sativa

Common names:  Alfalfa, lucerne, purple medic, trefoil, father of all food, two season flower

Family: Fabaceae (Pea)

Kingdom: Plantae


Oki, Âba wathtech, Dānít’ádā, Tansi, Hello

As people pass me by at the dog park they may observe me as ‘just another weed’, but did you know that I have been also referred to as the ‘Queen of the Forages’ and the ‘father of all food’ !

That is because I am an important forage crop for livestock all over the world, with a long written history of use back to ancient Greece. I am also native to this place and continue to be an important foraging food for my animal relatives all over turtle island (what many Indigenous peoples, like the Cree, call Canada).

Packed full of protein, fibres and minerals its no wonder I was so sought after. I am considered the most nutritious hay, a significant food for all dairy producing animals and also a significant source of pollen for honey bees. Remember when I was all the rage at sandwich shops in the 2000’s, alfalfa sprouts anyone? 

My flowers resemble a clover-like flower with each cluster containing 10 to 20 flowers. My deep roots makes me hardy to drought conditions, and I prefer the dry sunny exposed slopes and prairies. So you may see me popping up in vacant lots and disturbed soil areas. 

It’s good to meet you

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Milk Vetch

