Red Osier Dogwood
Traditional Cree name: mihkwapimakwahtik
Latin name: Cornus sericea
Common names: dogwood, red willow, red twig, moose wood, deer candy
Family: Cornaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Oki, Âba wathtech, Dānít’ádā, Tansi, Hello
I am Red Osier Dogwood, many people call me Red Willow. But I am actually not a willow at all. My name ‘osier’ is translated from french as basket willow. My bendable branches have lended to many traditional crafts and traditional indigenous medicines.
I prefer wet soils, so you can find me in big numbers along the banks of the Bow River. My bright red branches stay red all winter long, a beautiful fiery contrast to the scenery of winter whites and greys. In the summer as my green leaves come in I tend to blend into my environment until my yellow creamy coloured flowers are in bloom then I am showy again. As the cooler nights approach and fall is upon us my flowers turn to white berries with one little black dot, a favourite foods for many birds. Up north I am a favourite food to many birds, as well as to deer and moose!
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