
Traditional Cree name: ohsawicêyipêyihk

Latin name: Solidago canadensis

Common names: Canadian/Canada goldenrod, tall goldenrod, giant goldenrod, verge d'or du Canada, bouquets jaunes

Family: Asteraceae (daisy/ aster family)

Kingdom: Plantae


Oki, Âba wathtech, Dānít’ádā, Tansi, Hello

Natures bouquet of showy yellow flowers to brighten your day.

Not only do I add a beautiful colour to the landscape from July to September but I am also an important food source for many insects especially bees and butterflies. 

Contrary to popular belief I am not responsible for your hay fever symptoms as my pollen is too large to be carried by the wind, so don’t blame me for your sneezes. Instead I attract all sorts of insects especially ants, our relationship has been called mutualism, I attract the ants and the ants keep away other bugs like hoppers that eat me and they help me with pollination, win win. I am so successful with the relationships I have developed that I am very adept at spreading my seeds, so watch out I do have a tendency to take over. 

Traditionally I have a long history of medicinal and other uses, such as the making of a beautiful deep yellow dye from my flowers. 

It’s good to meet you 

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Shrubby Cinquefoil