Shrubby Cinquefoil

Traditional Cree name: n/a

Latin name: Potentilla fruticosa

Common names: bush cinquefoil, yellow rose, five fingers, golden hard hack and widdy.

Family: Rosaceae

Kingdom: Plantae


Oki, Âba wathtech, Dānít’ádā, Tansi, Hello

Hardy, tough and adaptable, these are just a few of my desirable characteristics that make me a popular addition to gardens, landscapes and especially to inner city locations. 

My beautiful yellow flowers of 5 petals contrast my dark green leaves and make a nice addition of colour to the environment, especially since I bloom from late spring to early fall!

I attract butterfly’s, bees and birds to the spaces I grow.

A relative of the rose family and a part of the potentilla genus with over 300 species worldwide. My five petal flowers have been depicted as a representation of “strength, power, honour and loyalty” as seen on a church built in the village of Reulle-Vergy in Burgundy, France. It is said that I “carry the symbolic meaning of hope, honor, and courage in the language of flowers”. If that hasn’t have you convinced of my beauty and importance I also have been a long history of traditional medicinal and other Indigenous uses. Maybe my beauty and resilience will encourage you to add me to your garden too!

It’s good to meet you 

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Wild Onion